Don’t think your order is right for you? Don’t sweat it! Gun Magnet World offers free and easy returns within 30 days after delivery!

Here is a quick returns policy checklist for your reference:

  1. Is the item within 30 days from the day you received it?
  2. Is the item in the same condition as when it first arrived?
  3. Is the item still in its original packaging?
  4. Is the item packed neatly and securely ready to be returned?

The item remains in your care before it gets back to us. Please do ensure that utmost care is taken when preparing the item to be returned to us.

Please note:
– GMW reserves the rights to withhold any refunds if your original item has not reached our warehouse
– Ensure that refund and returned product condition details given are correct and complete.
– Exchanges are not allowed if the price difference is more than 20%.

You will receive an email notification when your refund is processed.

For all replacement/refund inquiries, please email

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